Stacked and Hacked: Crafting the Ultimate COTS Incident Response Arsenal

Here’s my talk from BSides Philly 2023. A swift, well-coordinated incident response can spell the difference between a minor hiccup and a full-blown crisis. Harnessing the power of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) tools, we’ll take you on a journey of assembling a potent incident response stack. Through real-world experiments and research, we will dive deep into theContinue reading “Stacked and Hacked: Crafting the Ultimate COTS Incident Response Arsenal”

On the Dave Nemo Show

Had a radio interview on the Dave Nemo Show this morning, featured on Channel 146 on SiriusXM. Shared the spotlight with Steve Hankel from Johanson Transportation, who spoke on Business Continuity Planning at the recent NMFTA Digital Solutions Cybersecurity Conference in Houston, TX. Loved the interview and the show. Dave is obviously a great radioContinue reading “On the Dave Nemo Show”

Michael Porter’s 4 Generic Strategies

                I’m considering creating an AI-based strategic-planning tool.  After learning about Porter’s generic strategies, I think it is a good starting point.                 Michael Porter’s generic strategies framework offers a comprehensive approach for firms seeking to achieve competitive advantage. The four strategies – cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership, and focused differentiation – provide aContinue reading “Michael Porter’s 4 Generic Strategies”

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